
Linda andersson hafner

To become vegan was always a part of my plan as it is completely aligned with my core values ... But such a simple thing as the fear of not being able to find and eat great food (as I am and always have been a foodie), was a road blocker for years (it can also be called a poor and lazy excuse). It seems like such a silly thing now in retrospect!

After having been pescetarian for a little over 10 years, I took the leap to eating fully vegan in 2014 and it's the best thing I've ever done. I feel great! Health-wise, but also as I finally have a clear conscience. My actions and values have finally aligned.

At the start of my journey to become vegan, I started to create- and document my own recipes. Some which can be found in my cook book, "HJÄLP! Veganer på middag" (HELP! We've got vegans coming around) released in Sweden in September 2015. The title of this book is inspired by all those scared facial expressions I'm seeing since I started popping the news about my change of eating habits.

I absolutely love food and will love sharing my food photos and recipes with all of you.